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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Controllers are the glue that binds an application together. All they really do is listen for events (usually from
 * views) and take some action. Here's how we might create a Controller to manage Users:
 *      Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Users', {
 *          extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
 *          init: function() {
 *              console.log('Initialized Users! This happens before ' +
 *                          'the Application launch() function is called');
 *          }
 *      });
 * The init function is a special method that is called when your application boots. It is called before the
 * {@link Ext.app.Application Application}'s launch function is executed so gives a hook point to run any code before
 * your Viewport is created.
 * The init function is a great place to set up how your controller interacts with the view, and is usually used in
 * conjunction with another Controller function - {@link Ext.app.Controller#control control}. The control function
 * makes it easy to listen to events on your view classes and take some action with a handler function. Let's update
 * our Users controller to tell us when the panel is rendered:
 *      Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Users', {
 *          extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
 *          init: function() {
 *              this.control({
 *                  'viewport > panel': {
 *                      render: this.onPanelRendered
 *                  }
 *              });
 *          },
 *          onPanelRendered: function() {
 *              console.log('The panel was rendered');
 *          }
 *      });
 * We've updated the init function to use {@link Ext.app.Controller#control control method} to set up listeners on views
 * in our application. The control method uses the ComponentQuery engine to quickly and easily get references to components
 * on the page. If you are not familiar with ComponentQuery yet, be sure to check out the
 * {@link Ext.ComponentQuery documentation}. In brief though, it allows us to pass a CSS-like selector that will find
 * every matching component on the page.
 * In our init function above we supplied 'viewport > panel', which translates to "find me every Panel that is a direct
 * child of a Viewport". We then supplied an object that maps event names (just 'render' in this case) to handler
 * functions. The overall effect is that whenever any component that matches our selector fires a 'render' event, our
 * onPanelRendered function is called.
 * ## Event domains
 * In Ext JS 4.2, we introduced the concept of event domains. In terms of MVC, an event domain
 * is one or more base classes that fire events to which a Controller wants to listen. Besides
 * Component event domain that encompass {@link Ext.Component}-descended Views, Controllers now
 * can listen to events from data Stores, Ext.Direct Providers, other Controllers, and Ext.globalEvents.
 * This feature provides a way to communicate between parts of the whole application without the need
 * to bind controllers together tightly, and allows to develop and test application parts in isolation.
 * See usage examples in {@link #listen} method documentation.
 * ## Using refs
 * One of the most useful parts of Controllers is the ref system. These use the {@link Ext.ComponentQuery} to
 * make it really easy to get references to Views on your page. Let's look at an example of this now:
 *      Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Users', {
 *          extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
 *          refs: [{
 *              ref: 'list',
 *              selector: 'grid'
 *          }],
 *          init: function() {
 *              this.control({
 *                  'button': {
 *                      click: this.refreshGrid
 *                  }
 *              });
 *          },
 *          refreshGrid: function() {
 *              this.getList().store.load();
 *          }
 *      });
 * This example assumes the existence of a {@link Ext.grid.Panel Grid} on the page, which contains a single button to
 * refresh the Grid when clicked. In our refs array, we set up a reference to the grid. There are two parts to this -
 * the 'selector', which is a {@link Ext.ComponentQuery ComponentQuery} selector which finds any grid on the page and
 * assigns it to the reference 'list'.
 * By giving the reference a name, we get a number of things for free. The first is the getList function that we use in
 * the refreshGrid method above. This is generated automatically by the Controller based on the name of our ref, which
 * was capitalized and prepended with get to go from 'list' to 'getList'.
 * The way this works is that the first time getList is called by your code, the ComponentQuery selector is run and the
 * first component that matches the selector ('grid' in this case) will be returned. All future calls to getList will
 * use a cached reference to that grid. Usually it is advised to use a specific ComponentQuery selector that will only
 * match a single View in your application (in the case above our selector will match any grid on the page).
 * Bringing it all together, our init function is called when the application boots, at which time we call this.control
 * to listen to any click on a {@link Ext.button.Button button} and call our refreshGrid function (again, this will
 * match any button on the page so we advise a more specific selector than just 'button', but have left it this way for
 * simplicity). When the button is clicked we use out getList function to refresh the grid.
 * You can create any number of refs and control any number of components this way, simply adding more functions to
 * your Controller as you go. For an example of real-world usage of Controllers see the Feed Viewer example in the
 * examples/app/feed-viewer folder in the SDK download.
 * ## Generated getter methods
 * Refs aren't the only thing that generate convenient getter methods. Controllers often have to deal with Models and
 * Stores so the framework offers a couple of easy ways to get access to those too. Let's look at another example:
 *      Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Users', {
 *          extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
 *          models: ['User'],
 *          stores: ['AllUsers', 'AdminUsers'],
 *          init: function() {
 *              var User, allUsers, ed;
 *              User = this.getUserModel();
 *              allUsers = this.getAllUsersStore();
 *              ed = new User({ name: 'Ed' });
 *              allUsers.add(ed);
 *          }
 *      });
 * By specifying Models and Stores that the Controller cares about, it again dynamically loads them from the appropriate
 * locations (app/model/User.js, app/store/AllUsers.js and app/store/AdminUsers.js in this case) and creates getter
 * functions for them all. The example above will create a new User model instance and add it to the AllUsers Store.
 * Of course, you could do anything in this function but in this case we just did something simple to demonstrate the
 * functionality.
 * ## Further Reading
 * For more information about writing Ext JS 4 applications, please see the
 * [application architecture guide](#/guide/application_architecture). Also see the {@link Ext.app.Application}
 * documentation.
 * @docauthor Ed Spencer
Ext.define('Ext.app.Controller', {
    requires: [
    uses: [

    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'

     * @cfg {String} id The id of this controller. You can use this id when dispatching.

    statics: {
        strings: {
            model: {
                getter: 'getModel',
                upper: 'Model'

            view: {
                getter: 'getView',
                upper: 'View'

            controller: {
                getter: 'getController',
                upper: 'Controller'

            store: {
                getter: 'getStore',
                upper: 'Store'

        controllerRegex: /^(.*)\.controller\./,

        createGetter: function(baseGetter, name) {
            return function () {
                return this[baseGetter](name);

        getGetterName: function(name, kindUpper) {
            var fn       = 'get',
                parts    = name.split('.'),
                numParts = parts.length,

            // Handle namespaced class names. E.g. feed.Add becomes getFeedAddView etc.
            for (index = 0; index < numParts; index++) {
                fn += Ext.String.capitalize(parts[index]);

            fn += kindUpper;
            return fn;

         * This method is called like so:
         *      Ext.app.Controller.processDependencies(proto, requiresArray, 'MyApp', 'model', [
         *          'User',
         *          'Item',
         *          'Foo@Common.model',
         *          'Bar.Baz@Common.model'
         *      ]);
         * Required dependencies are added to requiresArray.
         * @private
        processDependencies: function(cls, requires, namespace, kind, names) {
            if (!names || !names.length) {

            var me = this,
                strings = me.strings[kind],
                o, absoluteName, shortName, name, j, subLn, getterName, getter;
             if (!Ext.isArray(names)) {
                 names = [names];

            for (j = 0, subLn = names.length; j < subLn; j++) {
                name = names[j];
                o = me.getFullName(name, kind, namespace);
                absoluteName = o.absoluteName;
                shortName = o.shortName;

                getterName = me.getGetterName(shortName, strings.upper);
                cls[getterName] = getter = me.createGetter(strings.getter, name);

                // Application class will init the controller getters
                if (kind !== 'controller') {
                    // This marker allows the constructor to easily/cheaply identify the
                    // generated getter methods since they all need to be called to get
                    // things initialized. We use a property name that deliberately does
                    // not work with dot-access to reduce any chance of collision.
                    getter['Ext.app.getter'] = true;

        getFullName: function(name, kind, namespace) {
            var shortName = name,
                sep, absoluteName;

            if ((sep = name.indexOf('@')) > 0) {
                // The unambiguous syntax is Model@Name.space (or "space.Model@Name")
                // which contains both the short name ("Model" or "space.Model") and
                // the full name (Name.space.Model).
                shortName    = name.substring(0, sep); // "Model"
                absoluteName = name.substring(sep + 1) + '.' + shortName; //  ex: "Name.space.Model"
            // Deciding if a class name must be qualified:
            // 1 - if the name doesn't contain a dot, we must qualify it
            // 2 - the name may be a qualified name of a known class, but:
            // 2.1 - in runtime, the loader may not know the class - specially in
            //       production - so we must check the class manager
            // 2.2 - in build time, the class manager may not know the class, but
            //       the loader does, so we check the second one (the loader check
            //       assures it's really a class, and not a namespace, so we can
            //       have 'Books.controller.Books', and requesting a controller
            //       called Books will not be underqualified)
            else if (name.indexOf('.') > 0 && (Ext.ClassManager.isCreated(name) ||
                     Ext.Loader.isAClassNameWithAKnownPrefix(name))) {
                absoluteName = name;
            else {
                if (!namespace) {
                    Ext.log.warn("Cannot find namespace for " + kind + " " + name + ", " +
                                 "assuming it is fully qualified class name");

                if (namespace) {
                    absoluteName = namespace + '.' + kind + '.' + name;
                    shortName    = name;
                else {
                    absoluteName = name;

            return {
                absoluteName: absoluteName,
                shortName:    shortName
     * The {@link Ext.app.Application} for this controller.
     * @property {Ext.app.Application}
     * @readonly
    application: null,

     * @cfg {String/String[]} models
     * Array of models to require from AppName.model namespace. For example:
     *      Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     *          extend: "Ext.app.Controller",
     *          models: ['User', 'Vehicle']
     *      });
     * This is equivalent of:
     *      Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     *          extend: "Ext.app.Controller",
     *          requires: ['MyApp.model.User', 'MyApp.model.Vehicle'],
     *          getUserModel: function() {
     *              return this.getModel("User");
     *          },
     *          getVehicleModel: function() {
     *              return this.getModel("Vehicle");
     *          }
     *      });

     * @cfg {String/String[]} views
     * Array of views to require from AppName.view namespace and to generate getter methods for.
     * For example:
     *      Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     *          extend: "Ext.app.Controller",
     *          views: ['List', 'Detail']
     *      });
     * This is equivalent of:
     *      Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     *          extend: "Ext.app.Controller",
     *          requires: ['MyApp.view.List', 'MyApp.view.Detail'],
     *          getListView: function() {
     *              return this.getView("List");
     *          },
     *          getDetailView: function() {
     *              return this.getView("Detail");
     *          }
     *      });

     * @cfg {String/String[]} stores
     * Array of stores to require from AppName.store namespace and to generate getter methods for.
     * For example:
     *      Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     *          extend: "Ext.app.Controller",
     *          stores: ['Users', 'Vehicles']
     *      });
     * This is equivalent to:
     *      Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     *          extend: "Ext.app.Controller",
     *          requires: [
     *              'MyApp.store.Users',
     *              'MyApp.store.Vehicles'
     *          ]
     *          getUsersStore: function() {
     *              return this.getStore("Users");
     *          },
     *          getVehiclesStore: function() {
     *              return this.getStore("Vehicles");
     *          }
     *      });

     * @cfg {Object[]} refs
     * Array of configs to build up references to views on page. For example:
     *      Ext.define("MyApp.controller.Foo", {
     *          extend: "Ext.app.Controller",
     *          refs: [{
     *              ref: 'list',
     *              selector: 'grid'
     *          }],
     *      });
     * This will add method `getList` to the controller which will internally use
     * Ext.ComponentQuery to reference the grid component on page.
     * The following fields can be used in ref definition:
     * - `ref` - name of the reference.
     * - `selector` - Ext.ComponentQuery selector to access the component.
     * - `autoCreate` - True to create the component automatically if not found on page.
     * - `forceCreate` - Forces the creation of the component every time reference is accessed
     *   (when `get<REFNAME>` is called).
     * - `xtype` - Used to create component by its xtype with autoCreate or forceCreate. If
     *   you don't provide xtype, an Ext.Component instance will be created.

    onClassExtended: function(cls, data, hooks) {
        var onBeforeClassCreated = hooks.onBeforeCreated;

        hooks.onBeforeCreated = function(cls, data) {
            var Controller = Ext.app.Controller,
                ctrlRegex  = Controller.controllerRegex,
                requires   = [],
                className, namespace, requires, proto, match;

            proto = cls.prototype;
             * Namespace resolution is tricky business: we should know what namespace
             * this Controller descendant belongs to, or model/store/view dependency
             * resolution will be either ambiguous or plainly not possible. To avoid
             * guessing games we try to look for a forward hint ($namespace) that
             * Application class sets when its onClassExtended gets processed; if that
             * fails we try to deduce namespace from class name.
             * Note that for Ext.app.Application, Controller.onClassExtended gets executed
             * *before* Application.onClassExtended so we have to delay namespace handling
             * until after Application.onClassExtended kicks in, hence it is done in this hook.
            className = Ext.getClassName(cls);
            namespace = data.$namespace                 ||
                        Ext.app.getNamespace(className) ||
                        ((match = ctrlRegex.exec(className)) && match[1]);

            if (namespace) {
                proto.$namespace = namespace;
            else {
                Ext.log.warn("Missing namespace for " + className + ", please define it "+
                             "in namespaces property of your Application class.");

            Controller.processDependencies(proto, requires, namespace, 'model',      data.models);
            Controller.processDependencies(proto, requires, namespace, 'view',       data.views);
            Controller.processDependencies(proto, requires, namespace, 'store',      data.stores);
            Controller.processDependencies(proto, requires, namespace, 'controller', data.controllers);

            Ext.require(requires, Ext.Function.pass(onBeforeClassCreated, arguments, this));

     * Creates new Controller.
     * @param {Object} [config] Configuration object.
    constructor: function (config) {
        var me = this;

        me.mixins.observable.constructor.call(me, config);

        if (me.refs) {

        me.eventbus = Ext.app.EventBus;
    initAutoGetters: function() {
        var proto = this.self.prototype,
            prop, fn;

        for (prop in proto) {
            fn = proto[prop];

            // Look for the marker placed on the getters by processDependencies so that
            // we can know what to call cheaply:
            if (fn && fn['Ext.app.getter']) {

    doInit: function(app) {
        var me = this;

        if (!me._initialized) {
            me._initialized = true;
    finishInit: function(app) {
        var me = this,
            controllers = me.controllers,
            controller, i, l;
        if (me._initialized && controllers && controllers.length) {
            for (i = 0, l = controllers.length; i < l; i++) {
                controller = me.getController(controllers[i]);

     * A template method that is called when your application boots. It is called before the
     * {@link Ext.app.Application Application}'s launch function is executed so gives a hook point
     * to run any code before your Viewport is created.
     * @param {Ext.app.Application} application
     * @template
    init: Ext.emptyFn,

     * A template method like {@link #init}, but called after the viewport is created.
     * This is called after the {@link Ext.app.Application#launch launch} method of Application
     * is executed.
     * @param {Ext.app.Application} application
     * @template
    onLaunch: Ext.emptyFn,

    ref: function(refs) {
        var me = this,
            i = 0,
            length = refs.length,
            info, ref, fn;

        refs = Ext.Array.from(refs);

        me.references = me.references || [];

        for (; i < length; i++) {
            info = refs[i];
            ref  = info.ref;
            fn   = 'get' + Ext.String.capitalize(ref);

            if (!me[fn]) {
                me[fn] = Ext.Function.pass(me.getRef, [ref, info], me);

     * Registers one or more {@link #refs references}.
     * @param {Object/Object[]} refs
    addRef: function(refs) {

    getRef: function(ref, info, config) {
        var me = this,
            refCache = me.refCache || (me.refCache = {}),
            cached = refCache[ref];

        info = info || {};
        config = config || {};

        Ext.apply(info, config);

        if (info.forceCreate) {
            return Ext.ComponentManager.create(info, 'component');

        if (!cached) {
            if (info.selector) {
                refCache[ref] = cached = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(info.selector)[0];
            if (!cached && info.autoCreate) {
                refCache[ref] = cached = Ext.ComponentManager.create(info, 'component');
            if (cached) {
                cached.on('beforedestroy', function() {
                    refCache[ref] = null;

        return cached;

     * Returns `true` if a {@link #refs reference} is registered.
     * @return {Boolean}
    hasRef: function(ref) {
        var references = this.references;
        return references && Ext.Array.indexOf(references, ref.toLowerCase()) !== -1;

     * Adds listeners to components selected via {@link Ext.ComponentQuery}. Accepts an
     * object containing component paths mapped to a hash of listener functions.
     * In the following example the `updateUser` function is mapped to to the `click`
     * event on a button component, which is a child of the `useredit` component.
     *      Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     *          init: function() {
     *              this.control({
     *                  'useredit button[action=save]': {
     *                      click: this.updateUser
     *                  }
     *              });
     *          },
     *          updateUser: function(button) {
     *              console.log('clicked the Save button');
     *          }
     *      });
     * Or alternatively one call `control` with two arguments:
     *      this.control('useredit button[action=save]', {
     *          click: this.updateUser
     *      });
     * See {@link Ext.ComponentQuery} for more information on component selectors.
     * @param {String/Object} selectors If a String, the second argument is used as the
     * listeners, otherwise an object of selectors -> listeners is assumed
     * @param {Object} [listeners] Config for listeners.
    control: function(selectors, listeners, controller) {
        var me = this,
            ctrl = controller,

        if (Ext.isString(selectors)) {
            obj = {};
            obj[selectors] = listeners;
        else {
            obj = selectors;
            ctrl = listeners;

        me.eventbus.control(obj, ctrl || me);

     * Adds listeners to different event sources (also called "event domains"). The
     * primary event domain is that of components, but there are also other event domains:
     * {@link Ext.app.domain.Global Global} domain that intercepts events fired from
     * {@link Ext#globalEvents} Observable instance, {@link Ext.app.domain.Controller Controller}
     * domain can be used to listen to events fired by other Controllers,
     * {@link Ext.app.domain.Store Store} domain gives access to Store events, and
     * {@link Ext.app.domain.Direct Direct} domain can be used with Ext.Direct Providers
     * to listen to their events.
     * To listen to "bar" events fired by a controller with id="foo":
     *      Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     *          init: function() {
     *              this.listen({
     *                  controller: {
     *                      '#foo': {
     *                         bar: this.onFooBar
     *                      }
     *                  }
     *              });
     *          },
     *          ...
     *      });
     * To listen to "bar" events fired by any controller, and "baz" events
     * fired by Store with storeId="baz":
     *      Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     *          init: function() {
     *              this.listen({
     *                  controller: {
     *                      '*': {
     *                         bar: this.onAnyControllerBar
     *                      }
     *                  },
     *                  store: {
     *                      '#baz': {
     *                          baz: this.onStoreBaz
     *                      }
     *                  }
     *              });
     *          },
     *          ...
     *      });
     * To listen to "idle" events fired by {@link Ext#globalEvents} when other event
     * processing is complete and Ext JS is about to return control to the browser:
     *      Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     *          init: function() {
     *              this.listen({
     *                  global: {               // Global events are always fired
     *                      idle: this.onIdle   // from the same object, so there
     *                  }                       // are no selectors
     *              });
     *          }
     *      });
     * As this relates to components, the following example:
     *      Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     *          init: function() {
     *              this.listen({
     *                  component: {
     *                      'useredit button[action=save]': {
     *                         click: this.updateUser
     *                      }
     *                  }
     *              });
     *          },
     *          ...
     *      });
     * Is equivalent to:
     *      Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     *          init: function() {
     *              this.control({
     *                  'useredit button[action=save]': {
     *                     click: this.updateUser
     *                  }
     *              });
     *          },
     *          ...
     *      });
     * Of course, these can all be combined in a single call and used instead of
     * `control`, like so:
     *      Ext.define('AM.controller.Users', {
     *          init: function() {
     *              this.listen({
     *                  global: {
     *                      idle: this.onIdle
     *                  },
     *                  controller: {
     *                      '*': {
     *                         foobar: this.onAnyFooBar
     *                      },
     *                      '#foo': {
     *                         bar: this.onFooBar
     *                      }
     *                  },
     *                  component: {
     *                      'useredit button[action=save]': {
     *                         click: this.updateUser
     *                      }
     *                  },
     *                  store: {
     *                      '#qux': {
     *                          load: this.onQuxLoad
     *                      }
     *                  }
     *              });
     *          },
     *          ...
     *      });
     * @param {Object} to Config object containing domains, selectors and listeners.
    listen: function (to, controller) {
        this.eventbus.listen(to, controller || this);

     * Returns instance of a {@link Ext.app.Controller Controller} with the given id.
     * When controller doesn't exist yet, it's created. Note that this method depends
     * on Application instance and will return undefined when Application is not
     * accessible. The only exception is when this Controller instance's id is requested;
     * in that case we always return the instance even if Application is no available.
     * @param {String} id
     * @return {Ext.app.Controller} controller instance or undefined.
    getController: function(id) {
        var me = this,
            app = me.application;

        if (id === me.id) {
            return me;

        return app && app.getController(id);

     * Returns instance of a {@link Ext.data.Store Store} with the given name.
     * When store doesn't exist yet, it's created.
     * @param {String} name
     * @return {Ext.data.Store} a store instance.
    getStore: function(name) {
        var storeId, store;

        storeId = (name.indexOf('@') == -1) ? name : name.split('@')[0];
        store   = Ext.StoreManager.get(storeId);

        if (!store) {
            name = Ext.app.Controller.getFullName(name, 'store', this.$namespace);

            if (name) {
                store = Ext.create(name.absoluteName, {
                    storeId: storeId

        return store;

     * Returns a {@link Ext.data.Model Model} class with the given name.
     * A shorthand for using {@link Ext.ModelManager#getModel}.
     * @param {String} name
     * @return {Ext.data.Model} a model class.
    getModel: function(model) {
        var name = Ext.app.Controller.getFullName(model, 'model', this.$namespace);

        return name && Ext.ModelManager.getModel(name.absoluteName);

     * Returns a View class with the given name.  To create an instance of the view,
     * you can use it like it's used by Application to create the Viewport:
     *     this.getView('Viewport').create();
     * @param {String} name
     * @return {Ext.Base} a view class.
    getView: function(view) {
        var name = Ext.app.Controller.getFullName(view, 'view', this.$namespace);

        return name && Ext.ClassManager.get(name.absoluteName);

     * Returns the base {@link Ext.app.Application} for this controller.
     * @return {Ext.app.Application} the application
    getApplication: function() {
        return this.application;